It has come to that time of the year where we get the opportunity to reflect on the past year and dream for the new upcoming year.
I don't really do resolutions. Yes, I like to think the new year is a year of new beginnings . . . things that I am going to change. However, I find that people tend to set themselves up to be disappointed.
As a Christian, I should be striving daily to be more Christ-like. I shouldn't allow a "holiday" to dictate who I am going to be for the upcoming year. Everyday should be one filled with me living more like Jesus lived. That should be reflected in every aspect of my life.
I should daily be in His word. I should read my Bible with the same enthusiasm as a good novel would bring.
I should daily be working on my diet and exercise because my body is a temple to the Lord. I can't glorify Him if I don't take care of myself.
I should daily be taking care of my finances and other resources, regardless of what they are. God has truly blessed me, and I take for granted everything that He gives to me.
For me, those three things, reading, dieting and resourcefulness, would be in some way a part of any "resolutions" I set.
2011 has been a great year. It has been a year of both ups and downs. And I am grateful for each of those ups and downs. They were given to me by the Creator. I am grateful for the people that He has placed in my path because, in one way or the other, they have shaped where I am today, whether they or I realize it or not. I am grateful for my family and friends because God knew who I needed and when and why I would need each and everyone of them.
So, my final thought is this . . .
Don't set goals for yourself that won't or can't be attained. Realize that each day, circumstance, moment and person is God appointed for that moment in your life. And strive each to live more like Christ.
Looking forward to 2012,