This year has been a year of my firsts with our homeschooling adventures.
I now have two that I am homeschooling completely. I gave my youngest a few things last year as a Kindergartener, but this year she is in first grade so she now has all subjects to learn. Some are definitely on the smaller scale than my fifth grader but they are still on the weekly agenda. This new task of planning has left me a little scatter-brained. What do I have one kid working on while I work with the other? What if a question arises and I can't stop what I'm doing to help? I could go on but you get my point.
Our family also joined a local Christian homeschool co-op. The girls take classes every Monday afternoon. I love co-op for the girls. Here's how it works for our group. There are three sessions in each school year. They take three classes each session plus physical education. They also schedule field trips and service projects.
Classes this session include: Drawing/Painting, Apologetics, and Math/Logic.
The girls are loving it all. But do you know what their favorite class is . . .
I think that is crazy. Assigning math at home is a chore but they LOVE math/logic at co-op.
I'm totally bewildered by it but I'm am happy that they love it rather than dread it.
Plus, because homeschoolers are never socialized . . . . . . ;P (Insert eye roll) They get weekly socialization at co-op.
We also ventured in the world of some new curriculum choices this year.
So we are abundant in firsts for the 2011-2012 school year.
I must admit however that I have been so overwhelmed this year. I currently wear the hats of wife, mother, homemaker, homeschooling mom, part-time church secretary, church WMU director, childrens' teacher on Wednesdays at church, plus I volunteer with other ministries at church, help take care of my mom, and try to find time to blog.
But it's the wonderful life that God has blessed me with and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
So, what hats do you wear? Do you get overwhelmed by it all?
Homeschooling at the speed of life,
2024 Project Recap
2 days ago
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