Thursday, August 4, 2011

Curriculum List 2011 - 2012

We are getting set to start school.  August 22nd will be here before I know it so I am attempting to get everything ready.  Here are my curriculum choices for this year.  When you write it all out, it looks like alot of work; however, there are alot of short lessons planned or things not planned everyday of the week.  I'm still getting in the water on this blog business so I will try to come back later and link up my subjects with appropriate websites.   (No promises however) ;)

Our core curriculum for both girls is My Father's World.  And since I don't have it in me to do 2 different levels, Flossy will tag along Princess for Creation to the Greeks.

Princess - 5th Grade
Bible - MFW Creation to the Greeks & Kay Arthur 4 Kids Inductive Bible Studies & Family Bible time
History - MFW Creation to the Greeks
Science - MFW Creation to the Greeks & Apologia Exploring Creation through Anatomy
Math - Singapore 4A/4B & Math-U-See Gamma (2 reinforce her multiplication)
English - Easy Grammar 5
Spelling - A Reason for Spelling E
Reading - Progeny Press Guides
Vocabulary - English from the Roots Up & Wordly Wise
Art - God & the History of Art
Music - MFW Composer Studies & Piano & Guitar
Composition - Writing Strands Level 3
Free Reading - Book Basket Selections from back of MFW; 1000 Good Book List

Flossy - 1st Grade
Bible - The Awesome Book of Bible Facts & MFW & Family Devotions time
History - MFW Creation to the Greeks
Science - MFW Creation to the Greeks & Apologia Exploring Creation through Anatomy
Math - Singapore 1A/1B
English - First Language Lessons
Spelling - A Reason for Spelling A
Phonics - Abeka & Scholastic At Home Phonics
Art - God & the History of Art
Music - MFW Composer Studies


I have high hopes of blogging about our school year.  So please let me know if your reading so I stay motivated.

So what are your curriculum choices for 2011-2012?

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